Friday, October 9, 2009

Extra Credit Blog # 3

The U.S. started out as a country without much power, and many immigrants pouring in day by day. It took time to make states accept laws, and try to unify into one country. After much trouble, time, and fights, the U.S. rose to power and was looking to be a respected country. After annexing many islands (Philippines, etc..) people began to recognize the U.S. as a country of power. Entering World War I, and then playing a big role in the Paris Peace Conference (Wilson) we started to shape our future as a country. Now, in the 21 century, people look to the U.S. as a source of help, unity, and a solution to many problems. In this article, Cohen stresses the point of how Americans are starting to live their lives without many luxuries anymore. Many are going back to the beginning: the beauty of our country, and what made the people proud to be Americans in the first place. Cohen points out how Obama has changed the path, and stated that we cannot be the only country looked onto for help. Cohen also points out how the U.S. is known for their power, superiority, and giving all men a fair chance in life. Even though this is part of the foundation that America is built upon, Obama is starting to take a different direction because he believes that we cannot keep this perfect image in our heads, if we cannot truly achieve it. As Obama attempts to take our country out of the lime light, Cohen makes a strong point: if Obama cannot give the people of America the things that "money can't buy," then the country will fail.


  1. Wow--a great response, Mattie. You clearly read this editorial with a high degree of comprehension and sought to place Cohen's argument into a broad historical perspective. That's the point and you did it incrediblhy well. I'd love to share this with the class if that's okay with you.
