Monday, September 21, 2009

Political Cartoon

How Some Apprehensive People Picture Uncle Sam After the War, Detroit News (created in 1898)
-Uncle Sam is representing the U.S.
-shows that the U.S. may not be able to handle all of these different islands (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Cuba)
-makes each child a island to represent
-Hawaii is pulling everything off the table = trying to show they cause a lot of problems
-showing the other three locations pulling on Uncle Sam, all trying to grab his attention
-makes these places look like they need a leader to help guide them
-Uncle Sam = U.S. = leadership
-Cartoonist believes that these places need our help, and that they are like little children
-Manifest Destiny - it's our responsibility to show others the right way to live

After the First Mile. Cleveland Leader (created in 1903)
-showing Cuba on its way to a better life style and economy
-has signs that state they now have better schooling and that they make a profit off of their sugar cane
-has little kids along with the older looking person = more population
-shows that over time Cuba has improved (the 2nd mile sign)
-they are still trying to improve their economy and lifestyle, but so far have done a pretty good job and are not stopping here or after the "1st mile"
-cartoonist supports Cuba
-only points out the positives about Cuba in the cartoon

The two cartoons:
In the first cartoon in 1898, Cuba is portrayed as a little kid or in dire need of help and can't stand on its own two feet.
Compared to the second cartoon, which was made in 1903 (a couple years after the Spanish - American War)portrays Cuba in a completely different light. Shows Cuba can stand on it's own two feet, and doesn't plan on giving up any time soon.
I think the two different years have a lot to do with the portrayal of Cuba - 1898 cartoon is during the Spanish American War and at this point in time America believes that it is their right (Manifest Destiny) to show others the light and to help guide. Whereas in 1903, a couple years after the war things are more settled.

Extra Credit 2

The legislative process we have created ourselves has a lot more power over what the majority wants. After reading the article it is clear that this problem cannot be solved by combing SEC and CFTC. Even though this is what needs to happen, and the number of regulators needs to be greatly decreased, neither of these will happen. There are also different regulators, but for the same process. Therefore this allows businesses to play off of all these regulators and get what they want. Obviously this system is in dire need of help, and people want this system to change for the better. But, because of the system we have created for ourselves, the outcome that the majority wants won’t occur. The system has already been attempted for reform previously, and it didn’t go through.
In the 1970’s the SEC was part of the Agriculture Department which people viewed as an easy way to deal with things. Then, Congress started the CFTC but made it an independent agency which the agricultural committees from the Senate and House would control. From this point on, the Agriculture Committee had a lot of power which lead to them making their own plans that veered far away from the main focus: food and physical goods. To merge these two groups would mean these chairmen of the Agriculture committees would have to give up some of their power and say so. This is something that will never ever happen, and we have obviously created it for ourselves. We gave power to those who have control over the legislative process, leaving a fewer number of people have more say so than the majority. Therefore I do believe that the legislative process we have created is held responsible for the outcome of a situation.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yellow Journalism

“Call To Duty”
-makes the reader feel somewhat scared à makes this war a huge deal
-dramatizes the news
-similar to current news today à tries to scare people and stress them out
-makes a bigger deal out of the situation
Example: “and the troops are commanded to move as soon as possible.”
-makes the American people think this war is going to be huge and that they are in great danger
-ignores the fact that McKinley had sent an ultimatum to Spain and they had started to make those adjustments

-makes the Cubans look weak because we have to protect them from the Spanish
-makes the U.S. look big and strong and in control of the situation
-makes the Spanish look unprepared for this war
Example: “the government has decided to deal a decisive blow to Spain at once by land and sea.”
-this quote makes Spain look weak as well, and the U.S. completely on top of the situation and makes the U.S. seem like they have a game plan
-meanwhile, during the war the U.S. army isn’t trained well, nor has the proper equipment, and a lot die from diseases

“Crisis Is At Hand”
-makes the reader have bad feelings towards Spain à “Spanish treachery”
-this quote shows how the writer of this article is making the reader feel that now the Spanish are turning their backs on America
Example: “Maine destroyed by an Outside attack, Naval Officers Believe.”
-this quote leaves the reader thinking that it’s a good chance the Spanish could have destroyed Spain
-especially because of the headline “Spanish Treachery”
-this article makes the Spanish look very deceitful à “McKinley suspicious of Spanish Plots”
-if the President is starting to question Spanish rule, than this leads the American people (his followers) to think the same
-the attitude that the President has affects his follower’s attitudes
-makes the Americans look smart in a sense because they have “picked up” on Spain’s plots
-at the same time makes the Americans look like the victim because there is a sense that the Spanish could have blown up Maine

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Extra Credit

The list of individuals that are “party animals” all have something in common. They started out as just regular men and women with not much to back up their names. They attend cock tail parties, gained knowledge about others, and soon move onto holding their own parties. For example, Rima Al- Sabah (the wife of Kuwaitis ambassador) is highly known for throwing very good parties, and not just for select people. She is known to speak her mind, but not in a rude manner at all, which catches people’s attention. Meanwhile, she takes this attention and power and makes changes/ makes things happen. This is what makes her well known and well liked: she takes her power and uses it for the better, but the root of her power comes from her knowledge.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Response on Obama's Speech

Mattie Cannon


Obama Speech

9 September 2009

Obama’s Speech on Health Care

After listening to Obama’s speech on health care, I am thoroughly convinced that his plan will work for the better. He knows change needs to happen, and now. Reform on health care has been attempted for the past one hundred years (since Theodore Roosevelt), and it has never gotten anywhere. But, this time it’s quite different. So far, three committees have agreed on a bill and there is only one committee left that has to agree to it. This has never happened before, which is a good sign of change.

Before his speech tonight, a lot of people were uncertain on exactly what his health care plan stated. After listening to Obama speak, he gave clear cut ideas on what his plan proposes. For people with health insurance already, his plan will: make it illegal for a health care company to deny you if you had a previous illness. Many health care companies have done this to Americans and it is simply not right to do to someone. His plan will also make it illegal for the health insurance company to drop your insurance once you get sick. To prove that this has happened to people before, Obama talked of a woman who was to get a double mastectomy. Because she had forgotten to tell her health insurance company about a case of acne, they stopped covering her which delayed her recovery from cancer, and by the time she had gotten coverage back; her cancer had grown twice in size. These are the issues that should not occur in America, which is why Obama is stepping up the action on reform. Two other main points in his plan: the company cannot put a limit on how much coverage you can get. This isn’t fair at all to the person who is ill; therefore this greatly benefits the individual. The other concept is that the insurance company cannot make you pay more out of your pocket than you can actually afford. This is what makes people go into debt, and it’s a vicious circle that many people get caught in. These four points that I have taken from Obama’s speech greatly improve the lives of the people who already have health insurance.

For those who don’t have health Insurance, Obama has a plan for you. If you change to a new job or lose your job, you are still allowed to get coverage. There will be many types of health insurance plans that are affordable, but if you can’t afford these, then there is a plan run by the government. The plan run by the government isn’t something that you have to have, but it’s greatly encouraged. Another point that Obama made, was that it’s very hard for small businesses and individuals to get health insurance. To help solve this problem, he is allowing these groups to buy insurance as a collective group. All these ideas allow help to every single American, no matter where they stand financially.

Now to focus on the senior citizens, Obama has a plan for them too. He doesn’t want them left with hundreds of bills left to pay at the end of the day. Therefore, he is going to use the savings to close up the coverage gap which will help the senior citizens pay for medicine. This is a huge help for senior citizens, as they are usually not taken well care of. Sarah Palin made an accusation towards Obama that he had a death panel for senior citizens. He confronted this rumor in his speech tonight, claiming that he will not do this to senior citizens. Anyone in their right mind knows that the President of the United States wouldn’t do this to his own people.

Obama made very specific points that won me over: in Alabama, 90% of the population is controlled by one health insurance Company. This is not healthy, because this leads to lesser quality and higher prices. The company can treat their customers as badly as they want: can drop sickly ones. Which leads to another point that he made tonight: “consumers do better when there’s choice in competition.” – Obama. This is true on so many levels. The more choices a person has, the better quality coverage they will get. This doesn’t just apply to health insurance; it can be applied to almost any aspect of your daily life.

Towards the end of his speech, he began to get kind of emotional. He had passion, which shows that this is a topic that is very serious to him, and means a lot to him. He talked of Teddy Kennedy who passed away not too long ago. Teddy had believed greatly in health care and how it’s not just about the politics. It is about the “character of the country.” When Obama said this quote, something triggered inside me. It made me realize that the character of our country reflects greatly on our leaders when we need them the most, but also on the American people. We have to help others when they fall, and try to understand what others are going through. We as Americans have to work together if we want our economy to succeed and do well in the future. As Obama said, “We did not come to fear the future; we are here to shape it.”

Work Cited

Obama’s Health Care Speech, 9 September 2009.

Obama Speech Responde

Mattie Cannon
Obama Speech
9 September 2009
Obama’s Speech on Health Care
After listening to Obama’s speech on health care, I am thoroughly convinced that his plan will work for the better. He knows change needs to happen, and now. Reform on health care has been attempted for the past one hundred years (since Theodore Roosevelt), and it has never gotten anywhere. But, this time it’s quite different. So far, three committees have agreed on a bill and there is only one committee left that has to agree to it. This has never happened before, which is a good sign of change.
Before his speech tonight, a lot of people were uncertain on exactly what his health care plan stated. After listening to Obama speak, he gave clear cut ideas on what his plan proposes. For people with health insurance already, his plan will: make it illegal for a health care company to deny you if you had a previous illness. Many health care companies have done this to Americans and it is simply not right to do to someone. His plan will also make it illegal for the health insurance company to drop your insurance once you get sick. To prove that this has happened to people before, Obama talked of a woman who was to get a double mastectomy. Because she had forgotten to tell her health insurance company about a case of acne, they stopped covering her which delayed her recovery from cancer, and by the time she had gotten coverage back; her cancer had grown twice in size. These are the issues that should not occur in America, which is why Obama is stepping up the action on reform. Two other main points in his plan: the company cannot put a limit on how much coverage you can get. This isn’t fair at all to the person who is ill; therefore this greatly benefits the individual. The other concept is that the insurance company cannot make you pay more out of your pocket than you can actually afford. This is what makes people go into debt, and it’s a vicious circle that many people get caught in. These four points that I have taken from Obama’s speech greatly improve the lives of the people who already have health insurance.
For those who don’t have health Insurance, Obama has a plan for you. If you change to a new job or lose your job, you are still allowed to get coverage. There will be many types of health insurance plans that are affordable, but if you can’t afford these, then there is a plan run by the government. The plan run by the government isn’t something that you have to have, but it’s greatly encouraged. Another point that Obama made, was that it’s very hard for small businesses and individuals to get health insurance. To help solve this problem, he is allowing these groups to buy insurance as a collective group. All these ideas allow help to every single American, no matter where they stand financially.
Now to focus on the senior citizens, Obama has a plan for them too. He doesn’t want them left with hundreds of bills left to pay at the end of the day. Therefore, he is going to use the savings to close up the coverage gap which will help the senior citizens pay for medicine. This is a huge help for senior citizens, as they are usually not taken well care of. Sarah Palin made an accusation towards Obama that he had a death panel for senior citizens. He confronted this rumor in his speech tonight, claiming that he will not do this to senior citizens. Anyone in their right mind knows that the President of the United States wouldn’t do this to his own people.
Obama made very specific points that won me over: in Alabama, 90% of the population is controlled by one health insurance Company. This is not healthy, because this leads to lesser quality and higher prices. The company can treat their customers as badly as they want: can drop sickly ones. Which leads to another point that he made tonight: “consumers do better when there’s choice in competition.” – Obama. This is true on so many levels. The more choices a person has, the better quality coverage they will get. This doesn’t just apply to health insurance; it can be applied to almost any aspect of your daily life.
Towards the end of his speech, he began to get kind of emotional. He had passion, which shows that this is a topic that is very serious to him, and means a lot to him. He talked of Teddy Kennedy who passed away not too long ago. Teddy had believed greatly in health care and how it’s not just about the politics. It is about the “character of the country.” When Obama said this quote, something triggered inside me. It made me realize that the character of our country reflects greatly on our leaders when we need them the most, but also on the American people. We have to help others when they fall, and try to understand what others are going through. We as Americans have to work together if we want our economy to succeed and do well in the future. As Obama said, “We did not come to fear the future; we are here to shape it.”

Work Cited
Obama’s Health Care Speech, 9 September 2009.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

USDA Government Inspected

Mattie Cannon


After The Fact

4 September 2009

USDA Government Inspected

“The controversy over meat inspection reminds the historian that when a legislative issue involved the disposition of economic and political power, all three branches of government influence the outcome.”
Roosevelt wanted the best for his people, and didn’t stop till the end of the fight. Even though meat inspection regulations weren’t as big as a deal in the beginning, people soon started to pick up on these horrible conditions. Muckraking played a big role with informing the economy: “Muckrakers told Americans what was wrong with society, but not how to fix the problems arose nor what could be done about them” (Davidson 243). These photos also greatly influenced the American people’s opinions on society and government as a whole. Sometimes the people weren’t influenced for the better. This is where the government steps in, to help solve controversies. Even though the three branches of government have separate jobs, they all work together in the end. Each branch may not need to do as much, depending upon what the issue is. It’s a very long process, and for this Act especially, there was a lot of controversy and fighters from both ends. For example, Wadsworth and Lorimer tried to convince Congress their bill was the best decision, even though the standards weren’t healthy for the American people. Roosevelt continued to fight back: he used his power that he had over the Republican Party, used the power of his position in office, and used publicity to his advantage. This show that economic and political powers have a huge influence on the outcome, as well as the branches of government working together.

“As is so often the case, the political system achieved results only after the visible symbols and myths of public discourse had been negotiated, debated, and compromised in the procedural tangle at the heart of the legislative process” (Davidson 259).
Political cartoons informed the people, but objects were used more so to represent a bigger picture or idea. The problem: one person can interpret it one way, while another person may interpret it another way. This is what makes it harder for the historian when trying to figure out the exact message. This shows that it takes a lot of time to depict through the details no matter what issue is at hand. When Sinclair wrote The Jungle, there were people that were skeptical of it. Some believed that he made up the conditions in the meat packing industries, while others believed that there were worse conditions. Depicting these details took a very long time, people in the House and Senate who had different views. After the main ideas were depicted, they were then discussed. Even though this may take a very long time (as did the signing of the Meat Inspection Act of 1906) a compromise has to be made: “Yet Roosevelt prevailed in the end only because he recognized as an essential feature of the political process. He had yielded on points he considered less consequential in order to achieve his larger objective” (Davidson 259). This quote shows how Roosevelt had to give up some of the smaller ideas, to get his main point across and approved. He realized a compromise is the main objective in politics.