Friday, October 16, 2009

After the Fact -- Leader

The story of Sacco and Venzetti explores society during the 20’s, and the usage of the legal system. After World War I, veterans were re-entering society, and pushing against the immigrants for jobs. Immigrants started to be viewed as a threat to the “American way of life.” On the other hand, we must take into consideration the hardships of the immigrant’s everyday lives. As the tension grows in the nation, a middle ground must be found.
As we go into great depth of the U.S. legal system and its procedures in this case, the actions of the men in power will speak louder than their convictions.

Legal structure
*how justice wasn’t served properly
What are some of the core values of the American legal system?

What is the legal system designed to do, what ideals does it uphold?

Did this case follow standard legal procedures?

What role did evidence play in the Sacco and Vanzetti case?
What kind of evidence is allowed and what isn’t allowed in a case? (Mock Trial)
*burden of proof
-have to prove beyond a reasonable that someone is guilty
*people were willing to put individual rights aside when they felt unsafe

Society in the 20’s (context):
Considering this case took place after World War I, what feelings of the American people arose during this time towards immigrants?

How did these opinions influence the outcome of the case? Keep in mind the beliefs of the judges and jurors.
-judges and jurors were biased

How did the revolution in Russia influence popular American opinion?

Can you relate the society issues during this post- war time period to present day society?

The nation divided:
This case goes on for a couple of years. What is the difference that society is feeling towards this case from the start of the trial in July 1921 till the end of the trial in October 1924? Use quote on page 284: “On one side were arrayed immigrants…”

Davidson and Lytle said, “Two Nations – that was the reason for all the fuss.” How did the Sacco/Vanzetti case illuminate these two nations and who were they?

An American reporting after the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti: -quote on bottom page of 284, “America our nation…them slimy and foul.” What do you think this quote is trying to get across?  want to bring in the last paragraph from page 286.

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