Monday, October 26, 2009

Questions for 20's project

Babe ruth:

How big was baseball during this time period?

How did he get started in baseball?

What were some of his biggest games?

What teams did he play for?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

20's project

Topics for 20's project:
-Music (jazz)
-Sports (Babe Ruth, etc..)

Friday, October 16, 2009

After the Fact -- Leader

The story of Sacco and Venzetti explores society during the 20’s, and the usage of the legal system. After World War I, veterans were re-entering society, and pushing against the immigrants for jobs. Immigrants started to be viewed as a threat to the “American way of life.” On the other hand, we must take into consideration the hardships of the immigrant’s everyday lives. As the tension grows in the nation, a middle ground must be found.
As we go into great depth of the U.S. legal system and its procedures in this case, the actions of the men in power will speak louder than their convictions.

Legal structure
*how justice wasn’t served properly
What are some of the core values of the American legal system?

What is the legal system designed to do, what ideals does it uphold?

Did this case follow standard legal procedures?

What role did evidence play in the Sacco and Vanzetti case?
What kind of evidence is allowed and what isn’t allowed in a case? (Mock Trial)
*burden of proof
-have to prove beyond a reasonable that someone is guilty
*people were willing to put individual rights aside when they felt unsafe

Society in the 20’s (context):
Considering this case took place after World War I, what feelings of the American people arose during this time towards immigrants?

How did these opinions influence the outcome of the case? Keep in mind the beliefs of the judges and jurors.
-judges and jurors were biased

How did the revolution in Russia influence popular American opinion?

Can you relate the society issues during this post- war time period to present day society?

The nation divided:
This case goes on for a couple of years. What is the difference that society is feeling towards this case from the start of the trial in July 1921 till the end of the trial in October 1924? Use quote on page 284: “On one side were arrayed immigrants…”

Davidson and Lytle said, “Two Nations – that was the reason for all the fuss.” How did the Sacco/Vanzetti case illuminate these two nations and who were they?

An American reporting after the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti: -quote on bottom page of 284, “America our nation…them slimy and foul.” What do you think this quote is trying to get across?  want to bring in the last paragraph from page 286.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Essay Workshop

Topic Sentences

Paragraph one:
The U.S. started out as a young country, striving for the best for its people; therefore Washington's farewell address and Manifest Destiny were closely followed.
-talk about Washington's farewell address
-Manifest destiny
-American core values

Paragraph two:
As the U.S. begins to veer towards the start of the war in 1917, the course that Wilson takes differs greatly from the original American values that have been upheld so highly in the past.
-talk about political reasons (haven't stayed neutral since the beginning of the war, which goes against U.S. neutrality claim)
-moral reasons for going to war (Zimmerman note - January 1917)
-economic reasons for going to war (needed a boost in economy)
*make a point after each topic as to how Wilson's path differed from American original values

Conclusion - tie everything up

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Essay Workshop

Thesis: Wilson’s political, moral, and economic reasons for U.S. policy change in 1917 strayed away greatly from traditional American values like manifest destiny, and Washington’s farewell address, that had originally been the values for the U.S. when making decisions in all situations.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Extra Credit Blog # 3

The U.S. started out as a country without much power, and many immigrants pouring in day by day. It took time to make states accept laws, and try to unify into one country. After much trouble, time, and fights, the U.S. rose to power and was looking to be a respected country. After annexing many islands (Philippines, etc..) people began to recognize the U.S. as a country of power. Entering World War I, and then playing a big role in the Paris Peace Conference (Wilson) we started to shape our future as a country. Now, in the 21 century, people look to the U.S. as a source of help, unity, and a solution to many problems. In this article, Cohen stresses the point of how Americans are starting to live their lives without many luxuries anymore. Many are going back to the beginning: the beauty of our country, and what made the people proud to be Americans in the first place. Cohen points out how Obama has changed the path, and stated that we cannot be the only country looked onto for help. Cohen also points out how the U.S. is known for their power, superiority, and giving all men a fair chance in life. Even though this is part of the foundation that America is built upon, Obama is starting to take a different direction because he believes that we cannot keep this perfect image in our heads, if we cannot truly achieve it. As Obama attempts to take our country out of the lime light, Cohen makes a strong point: if Obama cannot give the people of America the things that "money can't buy," then the country will fail.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

War in Iraq and Afghanistan

The current war in Iraq and Afghanistan has costed a lot of money, and lives, but i dont know how far into the acutal Americans everyday lives it should take affect. I for sure don't think the draft should start up again. It was ended because after Vietnam its popularity grealty died. We lost a lot of lives, and people didn't like this, therefore they reacted and the draft ended. I can't even come up with a reasonable answer as to why we are still fighting this war, because at this point it seems the main focus/goal of the war has faded. I do believe we can help the middle eastners, but i feel that we have invaded their lives too much. I don't think Americans should have to do a whole lot to contribute to the war because there are a lot against the war in the first place, and i feel that if the people were asked to do more, the government would be less popular, and Obama's already low ratings would contiue to decrease. Also considering the economic crisis, I feel like the American people don't have a whole lot to offer in the first place. A lot are worried about thier own families and how they are going to feed them, and I don't believe the American people want a war on thier shoulders as well.