Monday, September 21, 2009

Political Cartoon

How Some Apprehensive People Picture Uncle Sam After the War, Detroit News (created in 1898)
-Uncle Sam is representing the U.S.
-shows that the U.S. may not be able to handle all of these different islands (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Cuba)
-makes each child a island to represent
-Hawaii is pulling everything off the table = trying to show they cause a lot of problems
-showing the other three locations pulling on Uncle Sam, all trying to grab his attention
-makes these places look like they need a leader to help guide them
-Uncle Sam = U.S. = leadership
-Cartoonist believes that these places need our help, and that they are like little children
-Manifest Destiny - it's our responsibility to show others the right way to live

After the First Mile. Cleveland Leader (created in 1903)
-showing Cuba on its way to a better life style and economy
-has signs that state they now have better schooling and that they make a profit off of their sugar cane
-has little kids along with the older looking person = more population
-shows that over time Cuba has improved (the 2nd mile sign)
-they are still trying to improve their economy and lifestyle, but so far have done a pretty good job and are not stopping here or after the "1st mile"
-cartoonist supports Cuba
-only points out the positives about Cuba in the cartoon

The two cartoons:
In the first cartoon in 1898, Cuba is portrayed as a little kid or in dire need of help and can't stand on its own two feet.
Compared to the second cartoon, which was made in 1903 (a couple years after the Spanish - American War)portrays Cuba in a completely different light. Shows Cuba can stand on it's own two feet, and doesn't plan on giving up any time soon.
I think the two different years have a lot to do with the portrayal of Cuba - 1898 cartoon is during the Spanish American War and at this point in time America believes that it is their right (Manifest Destiny) to show others the light and to help guide. Whereas in 1903, a couple years after the war things are more settled.

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